
UNICAL Don Shot In His Office Tiblaze D Comedian Thursday, 8 May 2014 No Comment

According to reports from Vanguard, some armed men attacked and shot a lecturer of the University of Calabar, two days ago.
The lecturer, Dr Godwin Iwatt was shot while he was in his office and is in critical condition.
He was shot in his stomach region and was taken to the Calabar General Hospital where he has been in coma since then, as the doctors battle the clock to save his life.
The lecturer was in his office at the Department of Microbiology, when the two gunmen rushed in at about 3 pm and shot him.
The gunmen are suspected to be students of the university.

READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/65950.html

by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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