In Liberia angry residents raised an alarm after they saw that wild dogs digging up corpses of Ebola victims and eat them in the streets.

People gathered near the man who probably died of Ebola. Photo:
Dogs were spotted near the “Ebola graveyard”. Creatures opened the graves and ate flesh. Disgusting scene took place several weeks ago when citizens refused to let the government bury infected corpses at their lands. But the state`s officials decided to quickly solve this problem and buried the bodies in a hurry. Bodies were hidden at night to avoid conflicts with citizens. But infected corpses turned out to be an easy item to reach even for a dog. Many of them were buried near Johnsonville Township.

Nurses escorting an infected man to hospital. Photo:
Dogs can’t die from an Ebola virus. But they can easily carry it to humans through licking or biting. So the fears are spreading all over the village.
Citizens are deeply disappointed of such action of government that fails to protect them. It is not known why not to bury bodies infected by Ebola virus better.
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