The reality show, Gulder Ultimate Search, which began in October with a total of 14 contestants has ended with Chinedu Ubachukwu emerging the last man standing.
Chinedu Ubachukwu emerged the last man standing of Gulder Ultimate Search XI after retrieving the General’s War Helmet in the final task of the search. Chinedu, who is now the 11th Ultimate Man is a 24-year-old graduate of Petroleum and Gas at University of PortHarcourt.
His victory came after he successfully navigated his way through the forest, managing to row his canoe across the heavy currents of Aguleri River beating two other finalists. The other two finalists, Cosy Joe and Afolabi Emmanuel will however receive cash prizes for 1st and 2nd runners up.
However, Otto Canon who is the 3rd runner up, in addition to his prize money has won the Viewers’ Choice award, becoming the proud owner of a brand new SUV. The brave Samantha Appi, who is the Last Woman Standing also gets a reward of a brand new 2014 Urban Ford Ecosport SUV in addition to the prize money for being a contestant on the show.
Chinedu Ubachukwu, a native of Anambra State will exchange the General’s War Helmet for a whopping N10million and a brand new SUV. The show will be wrapped up with The Winner’s Party which will take place at Women Development Centre, Awka on the 1st of November 2014 at 5pm
Jillur Rahman
Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.
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