
Federal Polytechnic Oko 2013/2014 Freshers Registration Guide Tiblaze D Comedian Tuesday, 25 February 2014 No Comment

Federal Polytechnic Oko 2013/2014 Freshers Registration Guide

Federal Polytechnic Oko (OkoPoly) Freshers’ Registration Guide for the 2013/2014 academic session has been released. This was just freshly released for candidates whose names appear on the supplementary admission list of the school. Candidates who did not see their names on the first batch list should check the OkoPoly supplementary admission list.

Federal Polytechnic Oko Freshers Registration Guide 2013/2014

Candidates who are offered provisional admission by the Polytechnic are advised to adhere to the following guidelines:
  1. Browse the school website (www.federalpolyoko.edu.ng) and print your Provisional Admission Notification Letter.
  2. Proceed to any of the approved collecting banks and pay the acceptance fee on the eTranzact platform; request for a payment voucher.
  3. With the transaction details on the payment voucher, access & complete the Acceptance form on the school website (www.federalpolyoko.edu.ng) and print the Acceptance letter.
  4. Go to General Studies office (opposite admission office) and collect general studies course registration form.
  5. Proceed to the approved banks for approved fee.
  6. Proceed to the Admissions Office with your Acceptance Letter to collect your formal admission letter and Admission Clearance Note. (Note: without a charge)
  7. Next, Go to the Polytechnic Medical Centre for medical examination and obtain your medical certificate of fitness without any charge (only medical fee stipulated on the fees schedule is official and is payable through bank draft).
  8. Proceed to any of the approved banks and pay the approved school fees as stated on the fees schedule, through the eTranzact platform (request for a payment voucher).
  9. With the transaction details on the school fees payment voucher, register your fees payment on the school website (www.federalpolyoko.edu.ng) and print your school fees receipt.
10.  Next, go to your Head of Department and obtain a Departmental Clearance Note (Note: without a charge. (N.B: Head of Department, on daily basis, submits list of cleared students to the MICT Unit). (NB: MICT Unit, on a daily basis, submits list of cleared students, complete with Registration Numbers, to the AdmissionsOffice). 
11.  Obtain a set of endorsed Student Residence Forms from the Student Affairs Office.
12.  Complete the seven (7) copies of Student Residence Forms.
13.  Create four (4) files with the under listed items/documents in each of them; write your names on each file and take them to Admissions Office, all four files:
A. Admission letter
B. Admission Clearance note/ Certificate/ Slip
C. Qualifying results – attach a scratch card for accessing the result online
  D. Departmental Clearance
E. Birth Certificate or Sworn declaration of age
F. Evidence of Local Government Area of Origin
G. Medical Certificate of Fitness (From School’s Medical Centre).
H. Passport Photographs.
I. Evidence of Industrial Training (I.T) (for HND students only)
J. Evidence of School Fees Payment (Photocopy)
K. Student Residence Form – Ensure to deliver the completed forms to Student affairs Office.
 14. Admissions Office issues Registration Number to the Student and hands one of the four files to him/her for his/her records. (N.B: Admissions Office distributes the other three files, one to each of the relevant Academic Department, Verifications – External Department and retains one for its records). 
 15. Go to the Bursary to obtain the official school fees receipt. Note: In doing all above, do not patronize any tout. Do the steps yourself. Except for approved school fees, no other payment must be made to anybody.
Please, be guided.
Tony Olih Nwakolobia
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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