
JOKE Tiblaze D Comedian Wednesday, 5 February 2014 No Comment

A semi-literate girl writes a hate note to her boyfriend;

Dear my dearest,
This is u girlfriend calling. Before i go on, how is ur air condition? U do somtin wey i dont like at all. U take another girlfriendship and E dey paining me. The first time u see me U Say i beautiful than all the girls ur town but i hear people Say u say i no beautiful again.

If i no beautiful, well, i can't fit be able to sabi Say anything. I will Leave all everytin 4 God. I remembrance when it is raining, U come inside the rain and come and stand 4 my window place n call me. Now u say i no beautiful abi..?

If i throw u medicine, shey you think Say E woun hit U..? E will catch u na...Only am a christianity. So, i wont throw u. Becos u knw Say i did not get any another Boyfrienship dats why u are doin me anyhow like dis abi...? You come dey say i no beautiful again .

Me, myself and u, who is more beautifuller? Your face like a goat own. Unbeautiful boyfrienship Smelly-smelly mouth Biggy belle boyfrienship.

Because of watin u have do me , God will beat you with a stick. When u comin to our yard again ehn..?, i will show u wise sence wey u avnt saw B4..

Ur Faithfully
your old girlfriendship,
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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