Federal High Court Sets June 10 Date For Lawsuit Requesting Trial Of Former Aviation Minister, Stella Oduah Tiblaze D Comedian Thursday 22 May 2014 No Comment

Former Nigeria's minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah removed over BMW scandal

The Federal High Court in Abuja has set June 10 as the date of the hearing in the suit filed by the  ‘Say No Campaign-Nigeria’ in the case of Ms. Stella Oduah, the Former Minister of Aviation. The case surrounds her role, and participation in the purchase of bulletproof vehicles for the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority. Members of the ‘Say No Campaign’ are hoping what comes out of the hearing will compel the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to arrest and prosecute Oduah, for what they call a questionable practice.
Before her removal from office, Stella Oduah was accused of being the key figure in approving the purchase of 55 operational vehicles, valued at N643, 088,250 (Six Hundred and Forty Three Million, Eighty Eight Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Naira Only), via a memo dated April 25th 2013. The purchase order number of that memo, so say the ‘Say No Campaign’ is, FMA/NCAA/T44555/5.6/T2/136
Her approval, they say, was a clear breach of the Appropriation Act of 2013. The act approved the purchase of only 25 operational vehicles for the NCAA. The former minister's approval also contravened Section 16 (2) of the Public Procurement Act 2007, which stipulates that the approval of the Federal Executive Council is required for such procurement.
Two BMW 760Li bulletproof vehicles where illegally procured under the former minister's watch and approval, the ‘Say No Campaign’ supporters argue. The vehicles were procured without advertising for bids, without minutes of public bidding for technical and financial proposals, and without minutes of a meeting of the tenders board approving the successful bidder. Without a letter of notification of award of the contract, all in breach of Section 16 (2) of the Public Procurement Act 2007. 
The investigation report of the House Committee on Aviation submitted to the House of Representatives on December 19, 2013, indicted the former Minister of Aviation, Ms Stella Oduah, and the former Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority. The House passed a resolution to the effect that the former Minister be removed from office, and prosecuted by the EFCC. 
It is an uncontestable fact that the House report established a prima facie case against the former Minister of Aviation, and the former DG of the NCAA, so say members of the ‘Say No Campaign.’  Disturbed by the failure or negligence of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to commence an investigation, and prosecution of the former Minister of Aviation, the Say No Campaign through a letter dated January 23, 2014 issued a 14 days ultimatum to the EFCC to investigate and prosecute Ms Stella Oduah.
The EFCC replied to the ‘Say No Campaign’ on January 29, 2014, assuring the group that the ultimatum will receive adequate attention. Five months after the letter, the EFCC has failed to carry out its statutory function in prosecuting Ms Stella Oduah, and Fola Akinkuotu, so say members of the ‘Say No Campaign,’ pursuant to Sections 6 and 7 of the EFCC Act 2014 (As Amended).
In a press release the ‘Say No Campaign’ issued, and that SaharaReporters obtained, the statement read, in part:  “It is our resolve as a campaign to vigorously pursue this matter to a logical conclusion. Nigeria will continue to experience underdevelopment and (a) dwindling economic fortune if government at all levels does not express overboard willingness and commitment to fight corruption and impunity. Preventing corrupt public officials from prosecution and investigation fuels the embers of impunity. We urge Nigerians to rise up and SAY NO to corruption and impunity because corruption is indeed a reality not a perception in Nigeria.”
The June 10th court date promises to be a closely watched affair, as the question over whether Nigerian governmental officials are set on stemming the tide of wide spread corruption within its own ranks is serious, or not.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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