
One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram Tiblaze D Comedian Thursday, 8 May 2014 No Comment

Photo - One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram
A disturbing video which allegedly shows one of the abducted Chibok girls being executed appeared today, May 8, on various blogs and sites around the web.
In the video a gang of Boko Haram members forced a girl to climb into a hole in the ground, somewhere that appears to be a rural area. They tied her legs with a rope and put a black piece of cloth on her head.
The terrorists filled the hole where the girl was with sand and left only her head above the ground. The men spoke briefly in Hausa language while the girl was whimpering and begging for her life to be spared.
But, the terrorists began to throw huge stones at her head until she dead.
According to Bella Naija who made efforts to verify information, this video is not recent and the incident did not take place in Nigeria.
Photo - One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram
Photo - One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram
Photo - One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram
Photo - One Of Abducted Schoolgirls Allegedly Stoned To Death By Boko Haram
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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